Labor Shortage, MN Disgraced Pastor, CEO Pay, and Mars Hill Friday Five May 19 2023

Labor Shortage, MN Disgraced Pastor, CEO Pay, and Mars Hill Friday Five May 19 2023

Today's #fridayfive covers a range of topics, including a labor shortage, pastor misconduct, market effects on homeowners and the relationship between CEO pay and consumer trust in their organizations. Axios reports that the labor shortage many industries are experiencing is here to stay. They cite declining fertility...
Medical Debt, Felony Charges, Federal Spending, and More; Friday Five April 21 2023

Medical Debt, Felony Charges, Federal Spending, and More; Friday Five April 21 2023

In this week's Friday Five, we start by highlighting a church in Nebraska that helped 500 families wipe out over $550K of medical debt through a 14-month fund-raising campaign. Over 10,000 people donated to help 500 gain freedom from debt. Disgraced pastor James MacDonald of Harvest Bible...