The labor market appears to be changing. Corporate restructuring is picking up steam. For example, Connecticut’s regional university and college system could eliminate more than 3,500 full and part-time jobs — including 654 layoffs. RedHat is cutting hundreds of jobs. Clorox is cutting 4% of their non-production workforce and Deloitte will be cutting 1200 jobs. Lyft will also be cutting 1200 jobs. These cuts come on top of other companies eliminating jobs, including Buzz Feed, Whole Foods, Tyson Foods, 3M, David’s Bridal, Walmart, McDonalds, Meta, Disney, Accenture, Amazon, and more. While not popular, downsizing is a must from time to time if an organization is to survive. *Every* organization goes through downturns. It’s part of the destructive aspect to capitalism.

Staying with this topic, eighteen Christian colleges have closed since the start of the COVID pandemic. Most were struggling before COVID, but they closed during COVID or were absorbed by stronger institutions.

My wife and I are enjoying The Chosen. At first, I didn’t like it, but it grew on me after a couple of episodes. We recommend this TV series to you.

I continue to teach my way through my book Biblical Wisdom for Business Leaders: Thirty Sayings from Proverbs. One new video is released each week on Saturday morning, 9AM CST. Please join me as we learn together from God’s word and apply these thirty sayings to our roles as business leaders.

For those who have taken Greek or Hebrew in the past and want to stay up-to-date with their skills, I’ll recommend the Daily Dose of Hebrew and the Daily Dose of Greek. Produced by the faculty at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, they are well done and greatly needed. Check them out!

As of April 26, our national debt is $31,458,014,678,320.26. (This is what a trillion dollar number looks like.)

Finally, from the world of confusion and insanity, cleanliness is now racist and sexist. “It turns out that the sweet spice rack that your kid brought back from shop is actually a stratified, structural vehicle for white supremacy and male dominance . . . unless you keep it messy. Otherwise, you are pushing racist, sexist “pantry porn.” ” Well, now. To my way of thinking, God is continuing to send on us confusions because of our sin (Deuternonmy 27-28). The more deeply we devolve into sin, the more confused we will become as a nation.

Bill English, Publisher
Bible and Business