Seven Things Christian Stewards Do

Seven Things Christian Stewards Do

#7: Always “On” Stewards are always “on stage”. They faithfully represent the owner’s interests. Stewards learn about and further the relationships of their Master as it relates to the entrustment. Stewards behavior, language, attitude, methods of interaction – all reflect character and persona of their Master. #6:...

Foundations in Christian Stewardship Part III God Gives us the Ability to Create Wealth

Watch the companion video of this Foundation for Christian Stewardship at the Bible and Business You Tube Channel. Deuteronomy 8.10-18 is one of the foundational passages for Christian Stewardship. Here are verses 10-11: 8.10-11: When you have eaten and are satisfied, praise the Lord your God for...
Ten Principles to Remember When You’re Vocal about Your Faith as a Christian Business Owner

Ten Principles to Remember When You’re Vocal about Your Faith as a Christian Business Owner

I walked into a business in Indianapolis when I was in high school that was owned by a classmate' father. There on the wall, in raised lettering was this: "This business is dedicated to the glory of Jesus Christ". If I remember correctly, this man had an...
Philanthropy: God’s Purposes for Business – Part V

Philanthropy: God’s Purposes for Business – Part V

The fifth purpose of business is to provide business owners with unique opportunities to be financially generous toward God. Because God has been generous with God’s followers (John 3:16), God’s followers are generous with those in need. Christ reminds us of this truth in Matthew 5:42, “give...
Profits: God’s Purposes for Business – Part III

Profits: God’s Purposes for Business – Part III

When profits are consistently achieved ethically, sustainability is achieved for the owner, employees, and the community. Hence, a third purpose for business can be stated this way: Business exists to create profits, which provides the business sustainability that allows the owner to fulfil the other five purposes....